Friday, October 25, 2013

A helping hand

While constructing a tablesaw outfeed table I ran into some difficulty when it came time to cut a 4x8 sheet of laminate.  Not only was the laminate akward due to it's size but also it's flexability.With half the sheet on the saw table the other half was touching the floor.  I constructed a support out of a saw horse and a strip of plywood.
 The next problem I encountered was that the laminate was so thin it would slide under the rip fence and although my fence capacity was sufficient for the cut my saw table was not.  The laminate would bend down below the table heigh and catch on the rear fence rail.  A few boards clamped to the underside of the fence solved both these problems. 
With a little creativity I was able to safely and successfully cut the laminate to size.

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